It’s my Birthday and its Hard……

It’s my Birthday and I’ve woken with a heavy heart.
I know I should be celebrating another year of a life full of love and happiness, but it’s hard.
I know I should be celebrating my good health and energy, but it’s hard.
I know I should be celebrating the lessons I’ve learnt and the strength I have, but it’s hard
It’s hard because you aren’t here to share this with me, you’re not here with me anymore.
You’re not here to hold my hand,
Or give me a hug
You’re not here to listen when I call
Or laugh with me at a joke we have shared
You’re not here to sing me happy birthday as you have every day since I was born
Or announce your arrival in your particular way
You’re not here to give me a special gift just from you
Or want to share a special card
It’s my Birthday and it’s hard
I miss you every day and know you will be with me in spirit
But I will celebrate because that’s what you would want
I will celebrate because you gave me my life
I will celebrate because you taught me that life is short
I will celebrate because I have the power of Joy
It’s my Birthday and it’s still hard

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